Across the 2023 border, I pause to consider the concept of borders. I think limits are peculiar to life on earth. We encounter them in all forms: the limit of our body, our own ability, our capacity to understand, our patience, what is considered “acceptable” to us or to a society, as “human,” there are land boundaries, etc. And we need them, those boundaries. Right??? They seem like the prerequisite for dealing with “life in matter. Yes of course our minds can be boundlessly creative or enthusiastic. But it can also drive us mad with grinding thoughts. We can have a fountain of new ideas but until they take concrete form, they remain bubbles. Our hearts can love infinitely but also make us burn up giving until we are completely emptied. Our hearts can flare up when we come in contact with specific people and if we follow only this, we can break many hearts. No matter how we turn it, we will bump into a boundary somewhere from ourselves , from someone around us or from our society. Thereby: where there are people together who do not all live in harmony, the need for rules arises. Our society is a topper at that: the more disharmony, the more rules. No criticism about this though, it would be complete chaos here without rules. Yet I feel that boundaries and rules curtail my freedom, limit my being. I feel which boundaries offer me peace and clarity and which ones I am allowed to push. My inner quest includes consciously tapping into boundless energies and simultaneously accepting (my) boundedness. What do boundaries do to you?
18 January 2024