Due to the rat race of life, you sometimes lose sight of each other as partners. Life has become routine, so has the relationship. If you are both aware of this, it may be enough for the two of you to go on a weekend, talk everything through properly in an open conversation or do something fun together.

But when the connection becomes more superficial or things no longer flow well in the relationship, partners may argue or become increasingly isolated from each other. Was he/she not "the one" after all?
Do you know that it really is possible, enjoying the relationship again? What you are experiencing now is just a phase you can grow through, together. It may help to ask for help for this.

What gives the most joy in life is loving

When couples have been in relationship for a while, they sometimes discover that their partner is not as ideal as they first thought after all. The 'negative' sides start to irritate, discussions can cause more and more separation from each other.

Everyone has their own way of dealing with stress: some "attack," others "freeze," and others "flee". This can also happen within the relationship. Communication worsens. Intimacy gets lost. You feel your energy drain away because of the small daily conflicts.

You long to see your partner again as you could originally see him/her, to feel love flowing again.

As a couple, we have known many humps and bumps in our relational path. We started to seek counseling ourselves, both individually and together. We attended workshops and relationship coach training. It made our relationship grow.

We are happy to share with you our accumulated knowledge and experiences. We talk about how each of you feels, what your needs and desires are. We provide tools for peaceful communication. We explain the function of relationship and how your partner is the best mirror for your evolution. We practice feeling, sharing about this and how to deal with your own feelings. Together we can explore the world of intimacy and sexuality using exercises to try out at home. Each little aspect can make you grow as a couple.

Let's try it out together.


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7 March 2023

Vier jaar geleden hielpen Nina-Benedicte en Hugo onze relatie terug op het juiste spoor te krijgen. We hebben veel gehad aan onze tijd bij hen en zijn sindsdien erg gegroeid samen. Ze kunnen ontzettend goed luisteren en je met één rake observatie diep in het hart raken. De aanwezigheid van Hugo zorgt ervoor dat er ook aan de kant van de therapeuten een man-vrouw dynamiek zit. We vonden het ook erg waardevol dat de coaching verder ging dan praten en ook aandacht had voor het hele lichaam. Die evenwichtige aanpak hielp ons om stap voor stap terug in evenwicht als koppel te komen. De verschillende sessies ervaarden we als erg warm en respectvol. We wonen niet in de buurt, maar vonden het absoluut de moeite waard om steeds zo ver te rijden voor de coaching. We zouden andere koppels zeker aanraden om bij hen langs te gaan en niet te lang wachten om voor relatietherapie te durven kiezen. Na vier jaar grijpen we nog regelmatig terug naar wat we bij Nina-Benedicte en Hugo hebben geleerd.

Yves & Dorien